Imphal, April 27, 2018 (DIPR): The present status of the Sericulture Industry of Manipur is mostly focussed on sufficing the domestic consumption of the State with the raw silk production during the past one and a half decade giving remuneration of Rs.1,50,000 to Rs.2,50,000 per annum with one acre systematic plantation and proper mulberry rearing, stated Shri S Kunjakishore, Sericulture Director, Manipur today during the ongoing series of Press Conference organised by Directorate of Information and Public Relations, Government of Manipur, at Moirangkhom, Imphal.
A strong movement towards Sericulture started in 1997-98 with the birth of the JICA project under funding of the Japanese Government with an estimated Rs.134.5 crores budget, he stated. The Manipur Sericulture Project(MSP) Phase 1 was implemented till 2008 after which the project was unfortunately stopped due to the deteriorating law and order situation of the State, he explained.
“Mulberry silkworm rearing and reeling was confined to Khurkhul, Leimaram, Pheiyang and Thongjao. One Project Management Complex was established under the Manipur Sericulture Project,Phase -1 in 2005-06 at Wangkhei Panchim, Sangaipat Imphal East in an area of 23 acres of land with an outlay of Rs.12.64 cr”, he stated.
Briefing media persons during the conference, S Kunjakishore said that the total productive hectare covered by the silkworm food plants has been in increasing trend with 7,548 for mulberry,14,381 for Eri, 8,135 for Oak Tasar and 1,546 for muga by the end of 2016.
Special Plan Assistance(SPA) with an outlay of Rs.75 cr in both mulberry and eri sector, Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana(RKVY), Integrated Sericulture Development Projects for valley as well as hill districts,Human Resources Development Programme(BEP) & DBT and catalytic development Programme(CDP) have been implemented so far for strengthening Sericulture infrastructure in seed production and extension of works, skill development and extension of technology from lab to field level, he stated.
S Kunjakishore also informed that the sector wise employment provided by Sericulture industry as on January 2018 by muga, eri,oak tasar and mulberry sectors to sericulture farmers are 22,222(SC),13,551(ST) and 2,182(others); to family engaged is 9,042 and to seri villagers is 981.
Upgradation of regional silk institutes, introduction of Integrated bi-voltine Sericulture Project in Tripura Model, one IBSDP in mulberry with financial assistance from the Ministry of Textiles under NERTPS scheme and composite “Soil to Silk Project” are in the pipeline, he said.
District Sericulture Officer, Imphal West, S Birendra Singh said that there are 6 common races of silkworms – 3 each in Japanese( j001,j003,j101) and Chinese(c002,c004,c102) in the State.
Deputy Director, Sericulture,Manipur, Shri Ch Harendrakumar Singh also spoke on the various projects, schemes and training related to Sericulture Industry in Manipur.
IPR Director Shri H Balkrisna Singh moderated the conference.(DIPR)